Material Datetime Picker

Status Package

A take on the material design date picker modal, built for the web.

Works well with Materialize, or standalone.


npm install material-datepicker


The picker depends on Google's Material Design icons (packaged with Materialize), or included in the head of the document;

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

For best results also include Google's Material Font Roboto;

<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>

Rome.js and moment are required by the picker to handle date and time.

It is recommended to use the picker as an ES6 module using import or require (documented below). With this method the script will import it's own dependencies as required.

Alternatively, there is a packaged script /dist/js/datepicker.standalone.min.js, which will include dependencies alongside the library code.

To include them yourself you can also use the dependency free version /dist/js/datepicker.min.js.


Manual (recommended)

The picker can be instantiated and interacted with manally;

import MaterialDateTimePicker from 'material-datetime-picker';

const picker = new MaterialDateTimePicker()
    .on('submit', (val) => console.log(`data: ${val}`))
    .on('open', () => console.log('opened'))
    .on('close', () => console.log('closed'));

    .on('click', () =>;        

See the Pen XXjKVE by James Ivings (@Jivings) on CodePen.

As form input (TODO)

Alternatively, the picker can be attached to any element. Any events generated by the picker will be fired on this element. If an input element is chosen, the datepicker will open on focus by default, and populate the input with the chosen value.

import MaterialDateTimePicker from 'material-datetime-picker';

const element = document.querySelector('.c-datepicker-input');
const picker = new MaterialDateTimePicker({
    el: element
    openedBy: 'focus'


All options are optional, including the el.

    // element to attach the datepicker. this element will receive 
    // events when the data changes. If an input element, will be 
    // populated with formatted date and time chosen
    el: document.querySelector('.c-datepicker-btn'),
    // if `el` is set, `openedBy` is the event on `el` that will
    // open the picker, eg. `click` or `focus`
    openedBy: 'focus',
    // if `el` is set, the format used to display the datetime in the input, // or set as a data attribute
    format: 'dd/MM/YY',
    //  the default value of the picker
    default: moment(),
    // the container to append the picker
    container: document.body,
    // cosmetic classes that can be overriden
    // mostly used for styling the calendar
    styles: {
        scrim: 'c-scrim',
        back: 'c-datepicker__back',
        container: 'c-datepicker__calendar',
        date: 'c-datepicker__date',
        dayBody: 'c-datepicker__days-body',
        dayBodyElem: 'c-datepicker__day-body',
        dayConcealed: 'c-datepicker__day--concealed',
        dayDisabled: 'c-datepicker__day--disabled',
        dayHead: 'c-datepicker__days-head',
        dayHeadElem: 'c-datepicker__day-head',
        dayRow: 'c-datepicker__days-row',
        dayTable: 'c-datepicker__days',
        month: 'c-datepicker__month',
        next: 'c-datepicker__next',
        positioned: 'c-datepicker--fixed',
        selectedDay: 'c-datepicker__day--selected',
        selectedTime: 'c-datepicker__time--selected',
        time: 'c-datepicker__time',
        timeList: 'c-datepicker__time-list',
        timeOption: 'c-datepicker__time-option',
        clockNum: 'c-datepicker__clock__num'
    // date range to allow (see rome validator factories)
    dateValidator: null
